RPMC Delivers More: Market Research via Cold-Calling

Our clients enlist our help considering our innovative methods of producing leads that will ultimately result in increased business for them. While we deliver the leads, we also perform market research that is much more advantageous in the long-term.

RPMC handcrafts detailed trackers and scorecards for each cold-calling campaign. These tools provide a systematic way for cold-calling project consultants to record the outcome of each interaction. Typically, we gather information regarding what time of day the call was made, whether a decision maker was reached, if they were interested in the product or service, in addition to lead details and contact information for next steps. However, each client can also request specific information they’d like us to gather.

Using the data we collect, clients are able to easily and quickly identify which markets are producing leads, and what methods were catalysts to those leads. Market-research such as this is invaluable for clients, as it allows them to analyze their target markets to determine the most effective and efficient way to promote their services. Ultimately, RPMC isn’t merely helping businesses generate leads, we’re providing concrete data that can improve our clients’ business strategies for years to come.

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