Who is RPMC?

Ryan Pereus Marketing Consulting (RPMC) has been growing since its inception in early 2015. Starting with cold call and face to face script products & materials, RPMC has grown to offer a video training course on cold customer marketing, phone and webinar consultations, and most recently, development and implementation of event marketing lead generation departments.

Whether jump starting a new business or spearheading a cold call or face to face marketing campaign, RPMC steps into your shoes to beef up your lead generation process using all possible resources. Whether we are working with you mono y mono, meeting with your marketing team, or delivering metrics and analysis, you will see better leads and more leads for your sales pipeline.

The great thing about this style of marketing is that it can be applied to multiple industries from home remodeling to B2B sales to small scale artisan work. People say cold calling is dead, but I don’t believe it! I just think it has changed, and I think we are on to something that can launch your numbers to where they need to be. If you are trying to boost sales as a startup or an established business, cold call and face to face marketing is TIMELESS, and gets you in front of the potential customer in a real, human way where connections can be made, trust can be built, and sales can be closed.


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